If you do not know me personally, here is a chance to get into my head a little more. I am not a normal college student. Usually I choose writing blogs over doing anything late at night because I never have time to have a lazy day the next day. The exception to this rule was […]
Here we go again!
As I start the Spring semester of my Junior year today I am feeling unprepared for today and the rest of the semester. This “break” had me running around non-stop trying to get as much done as possible before adding a full course load back onto my plate. I was in complete denial about the beginning of this semester until my alarm […]
The college life.
I sure am living the college life, no sleep and comfy clothes to class. There seems to be way to much homework, and not enough time for blogging, fashion, catching up on my TV shows, or pointless things like sleeping! I have to stop myself from wearing these track pants every day because they are […]