Oh Spring, how I love your style. This was the first year that I actually packed away my Summer clothes during the Winter, fully embracing the New York City lifestyle of having ZERO closet space. The day that I made the switch back to my Spring/Summer wardrobe was like a shopping spree without having to […]
Everything is Gucci
Some may say that this is the craziest looking jacket that they have ever seen. But what is fashion if you don’t push the limits of your style every once in a while? I’ve recently found myself in a different kind of fashion slump. There’s nothing wrong with my outfits, in fact I love most […]
In the last 6 year of blogging one of my biggest struggles has always been having great pictures and great content at the same time. During my first year I wrote every single day for 365 days so the content was most directly about the outfit than my life in the interest of keeping the […]
Fabulously Fashionable Freakout
There’s nothing that makes me happier than to say that I am typing this from the airport. Why? Because that means I am off to an adventure of a life time! More details on the travels later. What is important now is that when I asked how I should pack for the trip, the answer […]
City Style
New York City has a way of pushing the most colorfully attired people into a black hole. Not a black hole emotionally, but stylishly. Before moving here, I would attempt to be “cool” and wear all black outfits, failing every time because that just wasn’t my style. Since arriving in the Big Apple I have […]