One year later!! (Day 365)

blog day 365a

blog day 365c

blog day 365b

Exactly one year ago today my dad challenged me to write a blog a day for a week… after the week was over, I was hooked and just kept at it. This has turned out to be the craziest year of my life and I am so thankful to have it all photographed and written down. Since starting this blog I have done many things like go to prom, graduate from high school, become an assistant makeup artist, and develop my personal style and true love for fashion, but most life changing was my move to Lexington. It wasn’t (and still isn’t) easy leaving and being away from all of my friends and some of my family, but one thing that has really helped me stay in touch with everyone is writing this blog. It is also really interesting to look back through my pictures and look behind me to see where I was, and what it was like (as in watching my kitchen in Gainesville transform as we were getting ready to sell the house).

Besides just keeping track of my outfits, this blog has also helped my decide exactly what I want to do with this rest of my life. It has taught me how to be a better writer, more dedicated, and it has given me great experience for the future. Thank you to everyone who has supported me though this past year. This blog is the best thing that I have ever done and I could not do it with out my wonderful readers! Don’t think this means I’m going anywhere, though! I couldn’t possibly stop now, but I am going to cut down to probably about 5 days a week. With summer coming and long days working at the YMCA, there will be days that I just won’t be able to dress as fashionably as I’d like to. I do have some exciting things planned for the summer though, so stay tuned for fun fashionable adventures!

What has been your favorite part about the past year on



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5 thoughts on “One year later!! (Day 365)

  1. So proud of you Lauren. It has been amazing to watch you grow personally and professionally over this past year. Your future is bright- can’t wait to see what it brings! Reach for the stars kiddo! Love you!

  2. So excited for you lovely girl!!! You absolutely amazing at what you do and what you have accomplished!!

  3. Lauren,
    I have loved reading your blog every day to see what’s new in the fashion world and what you are currently loving! Great job girl, I am so proud of you!!!!!

  4. Go Girl!!!! Can’t wait to read future blogs! Keep up the great work!
    Carol & All the Craigs

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