Snow problems.

Goal outfit:


Look in reality:


Remember how I told you about my interesting day that I told you about earlier this week? Well, today topped that! I had an all day shift planned today at LOFT. Overnight last night it started snowing and by this morning there were blizzard-like conditions and at a couple inches of snow on the ground. As I was getting ready I was planning out how early I needed to leave and which roads would be best to take. Eventually my mom insisted on taking me because her car is better in the snow and I didn’t try to fight it because driving in the snow stresses me out. Turns out being a passenger while someone else drives in the snow is just as stressful! Being one of the first cars on the road during this storm, we came across a few problems.

1. The blanket of snow on the ground makes it hard to differentiate between road and grass, so that meant driving down the middle of the road (wherever that was).

2. The more snow that’s on the ground, the less breaks you have on your car. Can you say slip and slide?

3. And finally, Don’t expect Lexington to be in a hurry to plow and salt even the main roads in town.

After 45 minutes of the scariest driving conditions I have ever been in, we spent the rest of the morning figuring out whether or not we would open for the day, close for the day, or just close early. With the total lack of people shopping in that terrible weather we ended in closing only a few house after opening. there was the adventure of having to have my dad come back to get me from work, run a few errands and go home.

I had planned to wear my knee high boots with the outfit to work today to dress it up and then not have to wear a coat because I would be inside, but in reality I ended up wearing my coat and rain boots all day to get through parking lots. This Florida girl is not cut out for blizzard weather!




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One thought on “Snow problems.

  1. Love this article! I imagine your Mom had fun driving back home too. Keep up the great Blog, Lauren. I do enjoy it everyday and it keeps me feeling close to you and your family. Miss you.

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