blog day 282a


I have had such a wonderful day! For months now I have been dreaming about this wonderful school, and today was the day I finally got to tour Lasell College. My goal is to transfer there in the fall and get my degree in fashion communication and promotion which would allow me to keep doing what I love, writing and studying fashion. They even have a fashion magazine that I will be able to participate in! The campus is beautiful with a mix of old houses and new building that they have added on as the school grew.
For the fun adventure I wanted an exciting outfit, and I was very happy when I came across this combination that I would have never thought would work together. The only reason that this Aztec sweater and polka dot button down go together is because they are the exact same colors. Mixing patterns is really fun, but it’s important to make sure that all of the pieces have the same color pallet. If not you will look like a little girl dressing herself for the first time! To add color to my outfit I wore red jeggings, and then combat boots kept my feet warm. It was such a great day, I can’t wait to see if everything works out and I get to move to Massachusetts in August!

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One thought on “LASELL COLLEGE! (Day 252)

  1. That is so great Lauren! I love that you can visualize your future and ate going hard to get it!!!!! I applaud you!!!!’

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