No one pinch me!


I have made it through two weeks in the city of my dreams and have officially experienced every emotion possible. Most of the emotions get cut short because they are overwhelmed with gratitude and pure joy. Not even kidding, no matter what happens during the day I could just burst with happy tears at any point because I am truly living my dreams.

The last job post I published did not leave on the most positive note, so I would just like to mention that after a little stress of sore feet and a bit of disappointment I drowned my little grey cloud in salt water and sunshine at the beach with my family. It was exactly what I needed to step back from the situation and prepare myself for what was to come.

This was also a learning experience for me because it took two subways, a train, a shuttle and a ferry to get to this island. A little different than my typical car rides in Kentucky!

It is now New York Fashion Week and I am working for someone that I have idolized for years. I’ve been able to take the Instagram pictures that I typically look for as inspiration, and help with her YouTube videos that I enjoy viewing every week. She has even given me the opportunity to attend a huge fashion show and go behind the scenes. All of this happened because I sent an email months ago that I wasn’t sure she would even read.

If there is one thing I can not stress enough is that you should ALWAYS send the email! Don’t wait for a better time, a better opportunity or more experience. Most of the emails you send will not get you the job of your dreams (sorry to burst the bubble), but the more no’s you get, the closer you will be to a yes.

Until next time, don’t be afraid to dream!

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