Sometimes it can be hard to get inspired when life seems to be going by so quickly. Most of the time it’s all I can do to just keep up, let alone be creative and innovative.
The most important thing to remember is to not get caught up in the whirlwind of emotion and chaos surrounding you. Keep to your roots and grow from there.
My roots are based in my faith, family and friends. There are times that I forget that and stray away, but I’m always drawn back in by one of the 3.
When I travel the first thing I tend to stray from is going to church. I’ve been traveling a lot recently, but now that I’m planted back in New York my Sunday’s revolve around which church service I want to go to. The rest of the week can be dictated by work schedules and friends, but Sundays are different.
The next more important thing that keeps me inspired is my family. Not a day goes by, especially recently, where I don’t talk to my mom and dad. They cry with me when I’m sad and laugh with me when I’m happy. My entire family is always cheering me on from the sidelines whether I’m falling behind or winning the race of life. Each person has something special inside of them that inspires me to be a better person everyday.
Finally are my friends. I’ve never been a person to have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have mean so much to me. My roommate especially (who took these and most of my recent blog pictures) keeps me sane on a daily basis and always reminds me that sometimes you just gotta drop everything and have some fun. We are also always there for each other when it’s time to buckle down and get some work done.
Life is a balancing act. I’m not always the best juggler, but I improve everyday. The days that I’m feeling lost are the days that I look to my faith, family and friends to inspire me creatively and entrepreneurially (if that’s even a word!).
Where do you find inspiration on the most boring days?
Lauren you have grown into such a beautiful, insightful and caring woman. My 8 year old granddaughter is struggling with some issues and I’m going to share your positive words with her. Thank you and big hugs to you.
Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me. If she ever needs someone to talk to, I’m always around and absolutely love kids!